Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A recurring thought...

Saturday a thought took up residence in my mind and has apparantly gotten very comfortable and refuses to leave. I can't say I blame it, there's a lot of wide open spaces (admit it, you went right into the chorus of the dixie chicks song), not much to get in its way of stretching out. It's a thought I hope, by God's grace, leaks down into the heart and eventually becomes more of a lifestyle than just a thought.

Humanities "condition" finds it's resolution in Christ.

No matter the symptoms whether it's self deprecation or self exaltation, idolatrous worship or worship that is idle it is the cross and the empty tomb that pulls back the veil to reveal the heart from which these things are conceived, and in drawing the veil Christ extends an invitation to forsake the "condition’s" object of affection and return to the Purpose in and for which you were created.

It really is my prayer that the Church would wholeheartedly accept the invitation, but I believe the first prayer should be that I would wholeheartedly accept the invitation.


  1. I have had the cross and the empty tomb on my mind a lot lately. It stops me in awe at times when I consider what the cross/tomb means. Keep blogging... I like it!

  2. i'm amazed. seriously. i would read your book. i knew you had some of this in you but this is awesome

  3. Thanks for the compliments guys. A comment like "I would read your book," from a fellow literary A.D.D. sufferer means a lot.
