I’ve come to the realization that thirty is right around the corner. Notice I said realization, not acceptance. A lot of things have changed in my 28 trips around the sun. For instance, I had a record player (yeah that thing that plays really big cd's). I used to rock out to Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girls” and “The Longest Time” (that will undoubtedly get a comment or two). Telephones were still attached to the wall, the Internet was a theory, and the epitome of cool: Members Only jackets; this was the world I grew up in. Naturally when you get into the 90’s things began to speed up even more, but the point is things have changed a lot in just a few years. Even still there are things that remain the same: people still love music, we still have a need to connect with people, and we still adorn ourselves with things so that we might be accepted by others. Our basic needs and desires don’t change, but as time passes we are given access to different ways of fulfilling these desires.
So 3,000 years later we stand in affirmation of Solomon’s declaration in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “…there is nothing new under the sun.” Solomon’s pursuit for contentment and satisfaction stretched deep into foreign lands and lasted decades; only to ultimately find rest in the Creator of the “wind” he had been chasing. It was never intended for our worship to terminate on created things, but rather as we experience the glory of the Creator in His masterpiece, we are moved to worship God, not just His provision. It doesn’t require an elevated IQ to point out the lunacy of worshiping a golden calf, but it causes us far more problems when we begin to point out Israel’s conditional faith during the Exodus.
I realize I’ve opened the proverbial “can of worms” that needs further explanation (coming in the next couple of entries). In order to sympathize with my fellow literary ADD sufferers I will stand by my method of blogging: bite size, digestible snippets of reading. Honestly, are we not more satisfied (aka less miserable) eating a small well prepared steak and potato than we are crawling away from the Golden Corral buffet? I don’t claim to be bringing filet mignon to the table. My hope is that what is presented won’t leave you feeling engorged, but will leave you satisfied.
With that said I leave you with this:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:34
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